Dress Code
The dress code is designed to offer our members comfort while maintianing a standard of decorum for all members, guests and visitors. Our dress code is designed to facilitate the needs of all members. The dress code applies to everyone including guests and juniors.
Please call the pro shop at 402.359.4311 for any questions about appropriate golf attire.
The following are ACCEPTABLE:
Shirts must have collars and sleeves. Mocks are acceptable.
Tailored golf shorts are acceptable with mid-thigh length or longer.
Neat Denim and sweatshirts/sweaters that are in good taste.
T-shirts and athletic wear are not acceptable.
Caps, visors and stocking caps are acceptable headwear.
Sleeveless shirts must have a collar: halter/tank tops are not permitted.
Tailored shorts/skorts with mid-thigh length or longer; no tennis length or short shorts.
Neat Denim and sweatshirts/sweaters that are in good taste.
T-shirts and athletic wear are not acceptable.
Caps, visors and stocking caps are acceptable headwear.