Currently our membership is full with 425 memberships. If you wish to be added to our waiting list or have any questions, please contact Mike Ten Eyck, General Manager, 402-359-4296
We Are Unique
Membership at The Pines is unique for our area. Each member owns one of the 425 shares of voting stock. When you become a member, you become an owner.
To become a member of The Pines, there must be a share of stock available, and pay any initiation fees. After Board approval you are officially a member.
As a member at The Pines you will be able to do the following:
Private all days
Reserve tee times one week in advance.
Play is limited to members and invited guests on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.
Opportunity to participate in all club functions, which include leagues*, events*, social functions, and our junior golf program with minimal entry fees.
Ability to charge all purchases to your personal account to be paid by the end of every month.
Receive discounts on golf cart usage and pro shop merchandise.
* To play in any club sponsored events, you must have a handicap at The Pines.
While a member of The Pines you will be responsible for paying monthly dues.
Single : $300.00
Family : $345.00
Family memberships consist of parents and dependents through the age of 22.
The only other mandatory fee is a $100.00 range fee that entitles you to unlimited range use for the whole year.